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CES - Sprachschulen in England, Irland und Kanada

AGB CES Sprachschulen
England, Irland & Kanada

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CES Terms & Conditions (Stand 2025)

enrolling on a course on receipt of your registration form you will receive an email:
1. Confirming your enrolment and chosen course.
2. FlyWire link which will enable you to make payment in full or pay a deposit of
€ 250 (Ireland) / GBP £ 250 (UK). [Deposits paid are non-refundable]

Payment Procedure

Full payment of fees is due 4 weeks prior to the starting date.

Please ensure when making a payment to include the STUDENT NAME and CES STUDENT ID number, otherwise it could cause a delay in processing payment. 


1. By bank transfer or credit card through Fly-wire, our preferred payment provider. To register and make a payment, go to www.ces-dublin.flywire.com  to begin the payment process [Flywire handling fees will be advised at time of payment].

2. By bank transfer or credit card through TransferMate, To register and make    
  a payment, go to https://ces-ie.transfermateeducation.com to begin the    
  payment process. 

3. By bank transfer in EURO directly into CES bank account:     
  Bank name: AIB
  Address: 7-12 Dame Street, Dublin 2, Ireland
  Account Name: Centre of English Language Studies Ltd.
  IBAN: IE97AIBK93208688887063  BIC: AIBKIE2D
  Account Number: 88887063         Sort Code: 93 20 86
  [please add €30 to cover bank charges]

1. By bank transfer or credit card through Fly-wire,
our preferred payment provider. To register and make a payment, go to www.ces-uk.flywire.com  to begin the payment process [Flywire handling fees will be advised at time of payment].
2. By bank transfer or credit card through TransferMate,
To register and make a payment, go to https://ces-uk.transfermateeducation.com to begin the payment process. 
3. By bank transfer in GBP directly into CES bank account:  
  Bank name:
National Westminster Bank
27 South Street, Worthing West Sussex, BN11 3AR
  Account Name:
Centre of English Studies Ltd.
GB33NWBK 602431 74638459  BIC: NWBKGB2LXXX
  Account Number:
74638459         Sort Code: 60 24 31
[please add £15 to cover bank charges]

1. By bank transfer directly into CES bank account: 

  Account Name: The Language Workshop Inc.
  Bank name: The Bank of Nova Scotia
  Address: 19 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario Canada M4W 1A3
  Bank #: 002                                     Transit #: 91132
  CDN Dollar Account: 00413 19    US Dollar Account: 02434 18
  Swift Code: NOSCCATT

2. By bank transfer or credit card through TransferMate, To register and make a payment, go to https://ces-ca.transfermateeducation.com to begin the payment process. 


• Bank transfer or credit card through Fly-wire: cestoronto.flywire.com  to begin the payment process (handling fees will be advised at time of payment). 
• If your bank requires a 12-digit account number, it would be 911320041319 (CAD), 911320243418 (USD)
• Please put student name or the invoice number (TI-xxxxx) as payment note for our tracking purpose. Please also email receipt to toronto@ces-schools.com to inform the transfer.
• Please add $25 to cover bank charges. 
• E-Transfer payments can be sent to cestorontopayments@ces-schools.com.

Please note any invoices paid directly to CES by credit card will be subject to a total credit card surcharge of 2%
**Please ensure when making a payment to include the invoice number and student name or number**

Cancellation, Amendments and Refunds


Accommodation Fees:

Notice provided of 2 weeks - full refund given. 

Self-catering (Depending on suppliers fees)
Notice period of 28 days - full refund given.
Notice period of fewer than 28 days - no refund given.

Tuition and other fees:
Notice provided of up to 14 days prior of the arrival date - cancellation fee of €250 (Ireland) / GBP£250 (UK) / CAD $350 (Canada) Notice provided of fewer than 14 (21 days Canada) days prior to arrival - no refund given. There is no refund if a student fails to complete the programme. There will be no refund for students who change from Intensive to Standard Course. 
Where a visa has been refused, CES will refund the fees less the €250 (Ireland) / GBP£250 (UK) / CAD $195 (Canada) and bank charges on receipt of evidence of the visa refusal plus the refusal number.
In the event that the Study Permit (Canada) is refused, the Registration Fee ($195) is non-refundable and a PAL Service of $805 will be charged.
If the intended commencement date of an English Language Programme is delayed because of visa problems, CES will adjust your tuition or accommodation dates subject to availability. No refund will be made.

We advise that adequate time is given in the study visa process to avoid date amendment changes (€50 (Ireland)/£50 (UK)/$50(Canada) per change, 1st one free).  Details of processing time is available from the Embassy in your country.


General conditions

• Fees include tuition, assessment test at the beginning of the course, individual report, use of listening centre/multimedia centre for private study, self-access, listening and interactive technology centre, email facilities and guided e-learning.
• We do not accept responsibility for costs incurred due to flight delays, e.g. accommodation.
• If a student does not acquire a visa on time, the above cancellation policy applies.
• It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the correct visa has been applied for.
• We do not take responsibility for loss or theft of belongings.
• Students are expected to have appropriate medical and baggage insurance.
• Non EU students must take out private medical insurance.
• There is no refund of fees for days missed during the course/late arrival/early departure/public holidays.
• During peak times classes can be held at additional premises.
• Force Majeure - CES will not be responsible for any failure to comply with any of its obligations (and therefore shall not be required to provide any compensations) if the failure is occasioned by any cause beyond CES’s reasonable control

Note: If a student wishes to return to their home country or take holidays elsewhere during the term of their English Language Programme they are free to do so, but no credit will be given for missed study time. Parental consent is required for students aged 16 and 17 years for  any classes or activities missed.  CES requires advance notice in writing.

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sprachkurse-weltweit.de: +49 (0) 9473 951 55 17

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